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Missouri Information

Potential and current vendors, please review these pages to become familar with ReptiDay's rules and show schedule, and also to review State and local laws and requirements. You may also register for tables using our online form or contact the appropriate vendor coordinator.


Missouri Rules & Information

These Rules & Information are provided as a convenience to Repticon vendors and exhibitors, and may not be comprehensive for every animal. Each vendor is responsible for researching and complying with all current laws regarding their animals.

State of Missouri Information:

Missouri department of conservation:
No native amphibian or reptile can be sold in Missouri without a Class I Breeders Permit from the MO Department of Conservation. It is a $50 permit and you can apply here: http://mdc.mo.gov/permits/special-permits/breeder-and-collector-permits 

City of St. Louis:

Animal Restrictions: No venomous snakes, Alligators, Crocodiles, Caymans, or any constricting snake over 8' in length. No primates, foxes, wolves, exotic cats, or exotic dogs.

City of Springfield:

Venomous animals, crocodilians, and turtles are prohibited within the City of Springfield and may not be brought to the show for any reason. 

  • Vendor Registration
  • Vendor Rules
  • Vendor Schedule

Online Vendor Registration

Welcome to ReptiDay's online vendor registration page.  To complete the registration process online you will need to:

1.  Submit your vendor information on the form below, AND

2.  Submit payment for your tables utilizing the Paypal shopping cart buttons displayed
on the page which will follow.  (You do not need to have a Paypal account to submit payment through this
shopping cart.)

*If an Upcoming Show does not appear in the Registration Form below, it is Sold-out and Waitlisted.
To be placed on a Waitlist for Sold-out Shows via the Repticon Vendor Waitlist Form, Click Here.

Thank You!